Become a member

Join Boardman’s Network for International Executives

Boardman Membership is meant for international executives and board members working in Finland or in Finnish companies.

Boardman Membership integrates international professionals to Finnish business networks and provides them relevant content and training in English.

The purpose of the network is to increase the competitiveness and foster diverse perspectives to Finnish companies by exposing their boards to international talent, defined as individuals who were not born Finnish nationals.

We expect from all of our members commitment to the network’s values: LEARN-SHARE-RENEW.

You can join our network by completing Boardman’s CG and Board Work in Finland Training or by applying for membership by filling out the application below.

The network fosters business connections, organizes events on current topics, and serves as a platform for sharing expertise.


  • Invitations to Boardman’s English-language webinars, training programs and networking events. Discover upcoming events here.
  • Possibility to apply for the Board Buddy Program. Read more here.
  • Introduction as a member on Boardman’s website (photo, name and a link to LinkedIn profile).
  • Possible invitations to speak or participate in panels at Boardman events.
  • 20 % discount on participation fees for all additional training after completing Boardman’s Corporate Governance and Board Work in Finland Training.
  • Access to the Boardman’s and Kampin Huippu meeting services according to separate booking terms and pricing.


The annual membership fee is 280 € + VAT.

Membership is personal, but the fee can be paid by the company.


There are two different ways to become a member.

1. Complete Boardman’s Corporate Governance and Board Work in Finland Training. International business executives who have completed the training are automatically invited to become members.

Read more about CG and Board Work in Finland Training

2. Apply through the link below. In this case, the acceptance into the membership will be confirmed by the Boardman International Membership Working Group. What we expect from a member:

  • You are from outside Finland, but work as a business executive or board member in Finland or Finnish companies.
  • You have two positive references from Boardman’s network. Fill their names and companies in the application form.

Apply for Boardman Membership

Get to know International Boardman Members here, and the Working Group behind Boardman Membership here.

Further informatioN and inquiries

Karoliina Kuhalampi
Project Manager

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