Brand Compass

Brand Compass

The primary goal of executive boards is to increase corporate value. There is no more effective tool to achieve that goal than a powerful, universally agreed and consistently implemented brand.

Does your company’s Executive Board have a common perception of what the company stand for or should be known for? Does your company have a positioning and related communication strategy that differentiates it from the competition? The world’s most valuable brands answer both questions with a Yes.

To build growth and value, first understand your brand

Brand Compass – the new brand evaluation tool from Boardman – puts reputation firmly on the board’s agenda. Which is the essential first step in developing a brand that stands out from the competition to build the corporate growth and value you demand.

Brand Compass determines whether the executive board and the management team are moving in the same direction

Consistent, sustainable brand development requires agreement on common bearings. Using the Brand Compass evaluation and development tool, you can simply and effectively check that your management team and executive board members see the company’s reputation in the same light.

By completing this 10-15-minute questionnaire you will be able to evaluate and analyse your management and board members’ opinions on the six building blocks (see the image) of a strong brand and its corporate reputation, and compare them with the competition.

Pricing of Brand Compass


  • Digital evaluation for chosen members of Board and Management team
  • Diagrammatic report for selected respondents (PDF)

The digital evaluation and related report highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your company reputation, as perceived by your board and management members. Further, they identify areas where respondents lack common bearings or a single route map for developing a unified corporate positioning.

Price: 1 390€ (vat. 0%)


Consultancy services

Boardman and its partners offer consultancy upon request. Our consultancy is based on our Brand Compass development process that divides brand management into the six building blocks. During the development phase, we can support you with our carefully selected advisors for each area of the Brand Compass philosophy.

Feel free to ask for more information and references. Please contact the Brand Compass coordinator Essi Ahtola by email

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