Boardman Advisors: Corruption and the Risk of Corruption on the Board’s Agenda

Boardman Advisors: Corruption and the Risk of Corruption on the Board’s Agenda

Boardman Advisors organizes a seminar on “Corruption and the Risk of Corruption on the Board’s Agenda”.

The event will be held on June 6, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Ilmarinen’s head office (Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki).

You have probably been in situations where the risks of corruption are high, as corruption is only rarely planned and obvious. As a phenomenon, corruption affects widely and causes damage to society and organizations. Ethical and open culture, as well as robust management, are the strongest pillars of success.

This seminar has been built upon an event organized on the subject last year and comprehensive discussions within the Boardman Advisors think tank. At the seminar, Boardman will publish a collection of articles titled “How to Identify Corruption – Perspectives to Support Management Work,” which has been written by 10 experts and compiled by the Boardman Advisors Working Group on Corruption.

Discussion on corruption is important to include in the agenda of every board and management team.


The program is organized mainly in Finnish.

8.30-9.00 Registration and morning coffees

9.00 Opening and welcoming words Jussi Pajunen and Tapio Aaltonen

“Crisis communication from the perspective of the board and management”
Kaisa Ala-Laurila, Ilmarinen, Director of Communications and Public Relations

“From Corruption to Compliance – Lessons Learned the Hard Way” (In English)

Guest speaker Richard Bistrong, CEO, Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC, Anti-Corruption, Compliance and Ethics Consultant, Writer, and Speaker, and Moderator Anna Romberg, Founder of the Nordic Business Ethics initiative, Getinge AB, EVP Sustainability, Legal & Compliance

This part of the program is on Collaboration with the Nordic Business Ethics initiative.


Moderators: Jussi Pajunen and Tapio Aaltonen

“Corruption from the perspective of the Competition and Consumer Agency”
Guest Speaker Antti Norkela, Competition and Consumer Agency, Head of Cartel Supervision

“Corruption and corruptibility” Panel Discussion
Moderator Tapio Aaltonen and Panelists Venla Mäntysalo, Pekka Timonen and Antti Kylliäinen

“Corruption risk, its identification and its management” Panel Discussion
Moderator Jussi Pajunen and Panelists Jarkko Sihvonen, Sami Sarvilinna and Mikko-Pekka Hanski

11.50 End of the event

Speakers include

Richard Bistrong

Richard Bistrong is sharing his journey from corruption to compliance to raise awareness and sensitivity with respect to ethical decision making at all levels within an organisation. Richard spent much of his career as an international sales executive in the defense sector. In 2007, he was targeted by the US Department of Justice, and after several years of covert cooperation, he was sentenced as part of his own Plea Agreement, and served fourteen-and-a-half months at a Federal Prison Camp. Richard was released in December of 2013 and is today a well known compliance advocate, author and speaker.



Anna Romberg

Richard Bistrong will be interviewed by Anna Romberg, who started her compliance career in the midst of the Telia corruption scandal. Anna is today Executive Vice President for Sustainability, Legal and Compliance at the Swedish MedTech company Getinge, a co-founder of the Nordic Business Ethics Initiative and chair at North House AB.





Antti Norkeala

Antti Norkela, Head of Cartel Supervision at Competition and Consumer Agency, will discuss at the event corruption from the perspective of the Competition and Consumer Agency.






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