Webinar The Future of the Industrial Work

Webinar The Future of the Industrial Work

Boardman LJT organises a webinar on “The Future of Industrial Work”. The webinar takes place on Monday 11.12.2023 at 15.30-16.30 Finnish time.

During 2023, Boarman LJT has focused on various aspects of the future of work. In August, LJT hosted a panel discussion on how AI is changing the way we work and what are the potential implications for example on working time, productivity and well-being. Read the summaries of the event here (in Finnish). Also, in our recent Researcher Blog, the effects of ChatGPT on expert work, was discussed (link here, in Finnish).

To continue this theme, in our December webinar, we wish to expand this discussion to industrial work.

Technologies and digitalization are rapidly changing heavy machinery and manufacturing, affecting the role of human input to production, and also creating new ways to provide services for customers.

This thematic will be opened by Professor Aki Mikkola, LUT University and Rashmi Kasat-Majakorpi, VP, Equipment Performance (Digital Solutions), Metso. Ulla-Maija Uusitalo acts as a Moderator of the webinar.

For further information, please contact Heli, heli.koukkula@boardman.fi


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