Arto Hiltunen
Professional history and Board experience
M.S. (Economics, 1979) Arto Hiltunen has operated for nearly 30 years in different director positions in the Finnish S Group: most recently from 1998 to 2007 as CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Helsingin Osuuskakauppa Elanto and from 2007 to 2009 as President and CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Finnish Association of Cooperative Societies SOK.
Hiltunen has served on the boards of several companies and associations for more than two decades. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Finnish National Theatre Ltd and Chairman of the Board of the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Fund.
Activity in Boardman
- Board member, Boardman 2017-2020
- Member of the Editorial Board 2020-2021
- Author of “OHJ – Omistajien, Hallituksen ja Johdon osaaminen, yhteistyö ja vallankäyttö” (2022)
- General corporate governance
- Strategy planning and execution
- Steering and management of cooperative companies
- Retail and restaurant business