Esa Matikainen

Esa Matikainen

Boardman partner

Esa Matikainen

Professional history and Board experience

Doctor of Economics Esa Matikainen serves on several boards, particularly in companies within the digital and IT sectors. He is currently the Chairman of the Board at Digitalist Group Plc, its Audit Committee, and its subsidiaries Digitalist Finland Oy and LeanLab Oy. He also serves as Chairman at TMP Software Group Oy (eLearning) and is a partner at Apprix Oy (digital training tools). In recent years, he has held positions such as Chairman at InlineMarket Oy (data analytics) and a board member at MPY Cooperative Group and MPY Telecom Plc (ICT services and telecommunications). He has also served as interim CEO of the MPY Cooperative Group and its business company.

Matikainen’s responsibilities focus on the development of company strategy and business operations, management of finances and growth, and improving profitability in rapidly changing markets. He has a deep understanding of the impacts of digitalization on business and management, as well as the Finnish growth company landscape. His extensive experience in this field began in the 1990s when he served as one of the main partners and Chairman of the Board and Chief Strategy Officer of the Internet company Nedecon Plc, which was founded and listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange at that time.

Matikainen has substantial experience in various roles within companies and their boards across different ownership structures, ranging from publicly traded companies to owner-driven enterprises. At Boardman, Matikainen has been actively involved in assessment services and various development forums aimed at enhancing the expertise of owners, boards, and management. He has experience in board evaluations both as a client and as a facilitator.


  • Member of Boardman´s Board of Directors, 2013-2016
  • Member of the Nomination Committee of Boardman Ltd 2015-2018 and 2023-, Chairman 2018-2023
  • Member of the board, Boardman 2020 network, 2006-2015
  • Publications: ‘Kaaoksesta kasvuun’ report (‘From Chaos to Growth’, 2013), ‘Mitä hallituksen ja omistajien tarvitsee tietää yhteisöllisistä työvälineistä ja sosiaalisesta mediasta’ report (‘What the Board and Owners should know about social tools and social media’, 2013), Omistajuus ja yrityskasvu (‘Ownership and Business growth’, 2012), Johdon palkitseminen (‘Rewarding the Management’, 2011), Ennakointi ja strateginen päätöksenteko (‘Anticipation and Strategic decision making’, 2011), Uuteen nousuun! (‘Towards new Growth!’, 2010), Kasvu ja kansainvälistyminen talouoden myllerryksessä (‘Growth and Internationalization in the Turmoil of the Economy’ 2009), Maailmalle! (‘To the World!’, 2008), Kasvun haasteet – kasvuyritysten rakentaminen ja hallinta (‘The Challenges of Growth – Building and Managing Growth Companies’, 2007)


  • Strategies and board work in growth companies
  • Government work and active ownership
  • Leadership in the digital world


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