Satu Mehtälä
Boardman partner

Professional history and Board Experience
M.Sc. in Economics, Satu Mehtälä has a diverse background in corporate finance, financial management, marketing, sales, communications and general management. She operated as the financial and marketing officer in construction company Lentek for five years, as the communications and investor relations manager in YIT Group Plc., as the communications manager for the pension company Ilmarinen, and as the CEO of The Federation of Finnish Textile and Clothing Industries for five years.
Mehtälä is a founding partner of Women’s Bank and served as the Chairman during its founding phase. Currently she acts as the Chairman of Board in Kirkastamo ky and Boardman LJT network, and holds board positions in Kalevala Koru concern, Woodprime Ltd, real estate company Teollisuuskeskus Ltd and Nordic Fashion Association.
activities in boardman
- Member of Boardman´s Board of Directors, 2014
- Chairman of the “Management Study and Research Group”, 2014-
- Chairman of the Development Forum “Communcal Companies”, 2014
- Communications and branding
- Corporate relations
- Business in Russia
- Development of fashion and design industries
- Development of service business
Contact information