Tom Liljeström
Boardman partner

Professional history and board experience
M. Sc. Eng (Helsinki University of Technology 1983) and M. Sc. Econ (Svenska Handelshögskolan 1985) Tom Liljeström has worked approximately thirty years in different executive and board positions in the LähiTapiola Group: 1994-2006 in the Tapiola Group board, 1997-1999 CEO of Eläke-Tapiola and 2007-2020 CEO of LähiTapiola Varainhoito Ltd.
Liljeström has been on the boards and supervisory boards of 20 companies over the past 30 years – family businesses, publicly listed companies, cooperatives, mutual companies, and foundations. Liljeström serves on the boards of Live Foundation, Transmeri Group Oy, and Verman Holding Oy.
Activities in Boardman
- Ownership Competence Forum, 2017 –
- Active ownership
- Investment activities
- International Economy
Contact information