Kaamos Forum 2023 – Strengthening Competitiveness, Responsibility, and Challenges of Global Change

Kaamos Forum 2023 – Strengthening Competitiveness, Responsibility, and Challenges of Global Change

The world is spinning in the whirlwind of rapid change, and businesses must be ready to adapt to a globalized business environment. Boards are facing significant challenges, and discussions about the roles and responsibilities of owners, boards, and management has become more important than ever.

This year’s two-day Kaamos Forum provided an opportunity for the management of listed companies to gain a broad overview of the challenges posed by the global world and to strengthen competitiveness, especially from the perspective of responsibility.


Nearly a hundred representatives from publicly traded companies participated in the Kaamos Forum 2023. The event was opened by Mirel Leino-Haltia, the chairperson of the Boardman's board.

Nearly a hundred representatives from listed companies participated in the Kaamos Forum 2023. The event was opened by Mirel Leino-Haltia, the Chair of the Boardman’s board.

Explore more pictures from the event in our gallery!

Kaamos Forum also featured diverse discussions on ownership and board work in listed companies, especially on how the competitiveness of companies can be improved through Owner-Board-Management (OHJ) collaboration.

The event was organized in collaboration with Varma, PwC, Roschier and Futurice, who served as competence partners for the event.

Participants had the opportunity to hear expert speeches and share their thoughts during networking sessions.


Captivated by compelling presentations, attendees sit attentively in a conference room, fully engaged in the insightful discussions unfolding at the two-day Boardman event in the picturesque setting of Saariselkä.

Captivated by compelling presentations, attendees sit attentively in a conference room, fully engaged in the insightful discussions unfolding at the two-day Boardman event in Saariselkä.


The Challenges of Finland’s Competitiveness

The challenges of Finland’s competitiveness were discussed during the first seminar day, with insights from experts such as Aki Kangasharju, CEO of Etla, and Kauko Storbacka, CEO of PwC.

Christine Rovelli, SVP Strategy and Fleet, Finnair, shared her insights on the challenges posed by Finland’s geographical location and Finnair’s role in enhancing Finland’s competitiveness.


PwC:n toimitusjohtajaa Kauko Storbacka alusti Kaamos Forumissa pääomasijoitusten kilpailukykyindeksistä.

PwC’s CEO Kauko Storbacka presented on the competitiveness index of private equity investments at the Kaamos Forum.


Sustainability as a Promoter of Competitiveness

The second part of Kaamos Forum focused on sustainability as a promoter of competitiveness. Participants heard a variety of case examples, including the story of how sustainability has been integrated into Huhtamäki’s core business by CEO Charles Héaulmé.


Pauligin toimitusjohtaja Rolf Ladau jakoi tilaisuudessa, oppejaan ja kokemuksiaan vastuullisuuden viemisestä käytäntöön.

Paulig’s CEO Rolf Ladau shared insights and experiences during the event on implementing sustainability into practice.


In another case example, led by CEO Rolf Ladau, Paulig delved into the lessons and experiences of implementing sustainability in a leading European food and beverage company.

Mika Saariaho, President and CEO of Raute, shared insights into how ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is integrated into the core of the growth strategy.

Strategies for Improving Competitiveness

The second day of the event examined ways to improve competitiveness.

Futurice’s CEO Simo Leisti presented on the utilization of data and artificial intelligence in business and encouraged exploring the guide “Generative AI – From use cases to enterprise-wide scaling to a new organizational paradigm.”

Antti Järvinen, Country Manager of Google, discussed the role of artificial intelligence in developing international competitiveness.

Googleen maajohtaja Antti Järvinen avasi tekoälyn roolia kansainvälisen kilpailukyvyn kehittämisessä.

Antti Järvinen, Country Manager of Google, discussed the role of artificial intelligence in developing international competitiveness.


The Effects of Geopolitics and Ownership on Competitiveness

Additionally, perspectives on state ownership, private equity investments in uncertain environments, and the impact of geopolitical positions on competitiveness were discussed.

Maija Strandberg, Senior Ministerial Advisor at the Prime Minister’s Office, shed light on state ownership and the focus areas of ownership guidance.


Valtioneuvoston kanslian Finanssineuvos Maija Strandberg valotti valtion omistajuutta ja omistajaohjauksen painopisteitä.

Financial Adviser Maija Strandberg from the Prime Minister’s Office shed light on state ownership and the focal points of ownership guidance. Simo Leisti, CEO of Futurice, moderated the discussion.


Pia Kåll, CEO of CapMan, discussed the perspectives of private equity investors on markets and investment decisions in uncertain environments.

The final speech was delivered by Petri Korhonen, Editor-in-Chief of Demokraatti magazine, who discussed the impact of Finland’s geopolitical position on competitiveness.


Demokraatti-lehden vastaava päätoimittaja Petri Korhonen kertoi Suomen geopoliittisen aseman vaikutuksista kilpailukykyyn.

Petri Korhonen, the Editor-in-Chief of Demokraatti magazine, discussed the impact of Finland’s geopolitical position on competitiveness.


Many thanks to the participants, speakers, and moderators, as well as the collaborators who contributed to the success of Kaamos Forum 2023.

Special thanks to the moderators: Mirel Leino-Haltia, Chair of the Board, Boardman, Markus Aho, Chief Investment Officer of VARMA Seppo Kymäläinen, Partner at Roschier, Simo Leisti, CEO of Futurice Finland and Taru Lindeman, CEO of Boardman Oy.

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