Singapore Excursio 2018
12.03.2018 - 17.03.2018 | Singapore Excursio
Our South East Asian business excursion to Singapore is coming once again in 12-17.3.2018!
Use this opportunity to your advantage and get acquainted with the local South East Asian market with other Finnish growth entrepreneurs. This unique trip opportunity is aimed at companies that are considering entering or growing their business in Singapore or in South East Asian market. There are lot of opportunities for Finnish companies in developing SEA countries (eg. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and few more) out of Singapore.
Group flights are as follow:
Helsinki > Singapore: Sunday 11.3.2018, Flight departure at 23.55 PM, AY131 (land 12.3.2018)
Singapore > Helsinki: Saturday 17.3.2018, Flight departure at 23.40 PM, AY132 (land 18.3.2018)
Possible program with:
- Finnish (and other European) growth companies who will share their experiences
- Local experts within law, market entry, funding, company founding etc.
- Possible visits with governmental bodies which help growth companies in Singapore as well as with local accelerators and larger co working spaces.
- Meetings with interesting local companies. Evening networking events: Possibly with the Finnish
- Business Council or at the ambassadors residence.
Please send us a message if you have any program wishes.
During this Excursion you will learn about Southeast Asia digital landscape, investing in Southeast Asia, capital markets, tax environment, setting a business in Singapore and Singapore as a springboard for regional market expansion. The trips itinerary is built keeping in mind the participant’s needs and wishes and taking advantage of the contacts found within the Boardman network. The program includes visits in European and local growth companies, global corporations, start-up accelerators and VC’s as well as events and completely unique networking opportunities with local experts and professionals.
The program fee is 1,800€ + VAT (flights and accommodation not included)
Boardman2020 members are entitiled to -20%
Please contact the Project Coordinator Anna Koponen: anna.koponen(a) or call 050 362 3655 with any questions you may have.
BLOGI: > Mitä opin Singaporen ekskursiolla, Riku Malkki, RecRight, CEO
”Laajentuminen Singaporeen on erittäin kiinnostava vaihtoehto suomalaiselle softafirmalle. Länsimaalaisimpana Kaakkois-Aasian keskittymänä se toimii myös hyvänä ponnahduslautana ja harjoituksena Aasian valloituksessa.”